James “Bonecrusher” Smith is the former WBA Heavyweight Champion of the World having won the title back in 1986 after knocking down Tim Weatherspoon three times during the first round. The bout took place on December 12, 1986 and aired on HBO-TV live from Madison Square Garden.

So, when The Bonecrusher calls and asks if you will cater his 2017 Golf Challenge Fundraiser, you think twice about turning such an offer down.

We were delighted to be asked, and delighted to participate in the weekend events.

On Friday night, we cooked several Boston Butts and lots of BBQ Chicken for the Board of Directors meeting which was held in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

The next morning, we put a whole hog on one of our Carolina Pig Cooker grills, got it started cooking while at home, then pulled it almost 100 miles down the road… still cooking.

We had the temperature going low and slow, around 250F degrees, and can proudly say that the cooker was still cooking when we arrived almost two hours after leaving home. How many other cookers do you know that can do that?

Bonecrusher Smith Golf Challenge, 2017.
This was our dining area near the clubhouse of the Timberlake Golf Club in Clinton, North Carolina. The whole hog was still cooking as we were anticipating golfers coming in for the day within an hour or two.


Chopping Q
Once the hog was all ready, Elvin Gordon (left) and our friend Kevin (right) jumped right in and start chopping up the hot pig for some good old Eastern North Carolina style barbecue.


Elvin and The Bonecrusher
Apparently we did okay, because we walked away without a scratch from the Bonecrusher.

We’re all a few years older since 1986, but we still wouldn’t want to tangle with this guy.

Seriously though, The Bonecrusher is one of the nicest guys you’d ever want to meet. He’s got a great spirit, and a great heart.

We’d like to encourage you to visit his website:  www.championsforkids.org and take a look at what he is doing to provide scholarships for kids in need.

He also is in the beginning stages of building a Boxing Legends Hall of Fame Museum down in Myrtle Beach where he currently resides.

We don’t do very much catering any more, but we were honored to be called on, and to offer our support to our friend James “Bonecrusher” Smith.  Let’s hope we can do it again next year.

The Gordon Family



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Elvin Gordon

Sanford, NC 27330

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