First Place Winners

First place winners.
Congratulations to the First Place winners (2nd year in a row) of the 2nd Annual BBQ Cookoff that was held on October 26, 2019 at American Legion Post 116 in Sanford, North Carolina.

I wish I had more information to share with you about this, but I’m just working with what I was sent.

These guys have won First Place at this event both years of the cookoff. And, they did it on one of our rental cookers. How cool is that?

From what I’ve been told, last year was the first time they had ever cooked a whole hog, and it sounds like they’re on a pretty good winning streak if you ask me. What’s the secret guys?

Word has it that there was a rumor going around between the teams that you had to keep an eye out on anyone using a Carolina Pig Cookers grill. We hope that was true and not just a rumor.

Congratulations on the WIN fellows. Keep up the great work.

Be Blessed!!!
The Gordon Family


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Elvin Gordon

Sanford, NC 27330

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